Image Gallery
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Art collected by the AVA members.
Okay... this is a REALLY bad layout but.. just keep movin' in all directions.

A change from the old odongos


The G-boys (and girl)

It's Pokemon Anime! Kenshin as a Growlithe?!

Auska in NICE clothes

Pen Pen is sleeping... SHUSHS!

I see you!

I see YOU too!

All work and no play makes Rei a dull clone!

Mars Fighting

Okay.. I'm not just an Eva freak... it's just that eva pics only upload! but I gots this lain

The people behind Nerv

Sailor R Move i think

OWOWOWOW! THAT Hurt dumb butt!

YAY! one of 100 kenshin uploaded!

Eternal Sailor Moon

I am Gendou... I have a pole up my ass

Laguna Loire from FF8. He's 40 years old!

Sailor Pluto Fightin'

What's up with his hair?

Tidus and Yuna. I don't want to know why she's upside down.

not anime, but I like Furry!




for jake (for being the DM and putting up with nick and kendal)

Stupid but funny Excel!


